Sunday, March 31, 2013

Trying to get organized today. Working on my home this weekend. Evernote, Tumblr, a bit of UFYH, pomodoro - whatever it takes. I managed to do some bookcases and unpack a non working toaster that I packed properly in its original packaging that I bought last year :(.  Rozuriel seems to be doing much better and is running around the house. It is a rainy day and I have the windows open to let fresh air in. Part of the suck of this apartment is there are smokers below me and it wafts up through the outlets/light switches. It is on my ever growing to do list to address.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Scott Hartsman's Forbes Article

I don't have much more to say that hasn't been said by the commenters, but anyone questioning Scott knowing about the MMO market is daft. Mostly just including this for posterity and including more linkbacks.

Forbes: Scott Hartsman Talks the Future of MMORPGs