Monday, February 23, 2009


Relaxation is so important for mind-body health, taking a walk, deep breaths, talking with a treasured friend or family member, even holding a beloved pet. Sometimes when we are at our most stressed we do even less than the bare minimum to take care of ourselves. I'm making it my priority to take care of myself each day. I have been trying to walk some each day on my Elliptical Trainer and playing Longest Journey every so often to spend some quiet time. At night I have been reading a book called Stone Angel, its well written and a very descriptive novel thus far. I have also been catching up on Blood+ on my PSP, Death Note on Hulu, and Final Fantasy: Unlimited on Netflix. I was looking at pictures that I ran across in a photostream and they inspired me into doing more Bentos and taking care and making prettier food.

Right now I'm hanging out with old friends (and new ones) and I am grateful for all of the support I have received from them. I keep in touch with many of them in game and right now I'm playing WoW - my guild has achievements and Sartharion 3 drakes left to beat, and leveling two alts using the RAF program. After today's one shot kill of Sartharion 2 drakes I think we are at the point we can just try 3 and slowly folks will learn how to avoid void zones and lava walls. My alts are level 25ish a Warlock named Astaroche and a Hunter named Anaxamandra. This weekend I got my Succubus for Astaroche and Humar the Pridelord for Anaxamandra.

I am actually on two different servers in FFXI my old home - Sylph with my awesome LS Obsidian Council, always helpful, always progressing, always working on content. Sundays we are going to be progressing though missions for Windurst > Bastok > San'Oria. Hopefully I can finally have my goal of being Rank 10 in all three nations. Right now I'm Rank 8 in Windy and Rank 10 in Bastok, so nearly there. Most nights I hop on for an hour or so and run some Campaign battles solo. I'm really appreciative of being able to do something that allows you to solo and grab a few experience points for just healing and buffing people.My second server is Unicorn with the crew I met in WoW, we progress slowly but steadily with our weekly Wednesday static and usually a party sometime during the weekend.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valkrum Dunes - Static Style

Wednesday nights are our static party, and as usual we owned. We got multiple levels, despite the fact I pulled an Incredibly Tough Goblin Mugger on our party. (I swear i didn't know it was [IT]!) I'm not going to turn into Sto and try to kill the party I promise! I'm now level 16 Warrior.

Static members: Kyrai, Andraes (Sto), Isak, Embrujao (Bean) and Paraglor

This week I also finished up the Love Fool title in WoW for the Valentine's Day events. Everyone in guild was cursing (and petitioning) the horrible random x random x one hour time limit design. I wouldn't have complained so bad had the event lasted longer or less random was introduced. Right now it's far too much work laid to chance. I'd rather do a new dungeon or something than sit and play with the random number generator two times over.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Today I opened up Scholar in FFXI, it was a fairly easy quest although I used up a few prism powders and sneak oils since my mage jobs are all level 37 or
below (with the exception of WHM). You need to activate your mage two hour ability to open the new job. I really enjoyed the cutscene it was cute, I wish I was able to capture the book animations.

I still have Puppetmaster, Corsair and Dancer to open and will be doing those as soon as possible. I'd like to also level my NPC Adventurer again and finish Gobbiebag VII and Gobbiebag VIII. I decided to do the quest for the Deathstone, since buying it would be quite alot.