Saturday, May 31, 2008


[12:54] XiantheXian: massive headache , asher threw up in backseat of car
[12:54] XiantheXian: i found out i cant drive til wed due to insurance xfer
[12:54] XiantheXian: yay
[12:54] XiantheXian: ~
[12:54] MelodyOhYesss: ugh
[12:54] XiantheXian: always me
[12:55] XiantheXian: oh and while dealing with the insurance my citibank decided to put a fraud alert on my card
[12:55] XiantheXian: called to deal with that and asher was barking the whole fucking time
[12:57] XiantheXian: oh and lets not forget asher going up in my bedroom, climbing on the shelf behind my bed, getting my 400 dollar bite guard and carrying down here in his mouth to play with it on the floor
[12:57] XiantheXian: but of course, im just bsing about how much time i have
[12:57] XiantheXian: and im slacking!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

For Julie D.

Julie wanted to see my new place, and I'm sure others do too. Tons of pics here so I'll just get to it. Please keep in mind I'm totally not unpacked at the moment. =)

I'll post "After" unpacking pictures later.

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