Thursday, December 31, 2009


In 2010… (Taken from a random article I stumbled on)
May peace break into your home and may thieves come to steal your debts
May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for $100 bills
May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips!
May happiness slap you across the face and my your tears be that of joy.
May the problems you had, forget your home address!
Simply, may 2010 be the best year of your life!!
Happy New Year, everybody!

(And yes, Nuvo is delicious)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sometimes We Stumble Upon What We Need to See or Hear

I had been AFK most of the day, dealing with various issues for my move and preparing my letter for my Aunt's birthday book. I was just preparing some things for this evening and chores when I ran across this article.

mensch or mensh
n. pl. mensch·es or mensch·en Informal
A person having admirable characteristics, such as fortitude and firmness of purpose: "He radiates the kind of fundamental decency that has a name in Yiddish; he's a mensch" (James Atlas).

Twelve Resolutions on How to Be a Mensch

Twelve Resolutions on How to Be a Mensch

Dec 29, 2009 -

Bruna Martinuzzi is an expert in leadership and presentation skills. Her latest book The Leader as a Mensch: Become the Kind of Person Others Want to Follow explains how to become the kind of person others want to follow. Here is her list for twelve New Year’s resolutions to make you a mensch in 2010.

  1. Give people gifts other than those that you buy. This means giving someone a second chance, giving someone the benefit of the doubt, and giving others a reason to want to work for you besides earning a living. It entails giving others latitude, permission to make mistakes, and all the information they need to do the job. It means giving them the authority that goes with that responsibility and giving them due credit for their ideas.
  2. Become a talent hunter. The biggest hunger in anyone’s eyes is the hunger for appreciation. Genuinely acknowledging others is high octane fuel for the soul.
  3. Sharing ideas and information that can enrich. To that end, derive inspiration from Charles Leadbeater’s words: “In the past, you were what you owned. Now you are what you share.”
  4. Spend more time in the “beginner’s mind.” This means replacing “Been there, done that” with “Tell me more.” It translates into moving away from pushing into allowing, from insecure to secure, and from seeking approval to seeking enlightenment. It’s forgetting about being perfect and enjoying being in the moment.
  5. Don’t tell people what they can’t do. Instead, show them what they can do. If some of your habitual phrases are “Let me explain why that won’t work” or “Let me play Devil’s Advocate for a minute,” read Tom Kelley’s book The Ten Faces of Innovation: Ideo’s Strategies for Beating the Devil’s Advocate & Driving Creativity Throughout Your Organization.
  6. Minimize the space you take up. When you enter a crowded coffee shop with a partner, don’t hog two tables to spread your papers around. It’s a form of theft.
  7. Become a relationship anthropologist. Know the difference between a conversation and a discussion. A discussion involves issues or right vs. wrong. It is an exchange of facts, opinions and data. A conversation involves an exploration of another person for the sole purpose of learning about that person.
  8. Be happy for others. The exact opposite of the word envy is farginen, which is what happens when you celebrate others’ accomplishments as you would celebrate your own. Take a moment to absorb the spiritual beauty of this concept by viewing this video clip that explains the Generosity of Spirit.
  9. Get rid of grudges. Whether they are for real or imaginary slights, raise the bar on your own behavior by forgiving and moving on.
  10. Help others caress the rainbow. This means show them how to have hope. There is tremendous positive psychological capital to be gained if we are resolute to tap into it to help others.
  11. Make people feel better about themselves. We cannot control everyone liking us, but we can control how others feel when they interact with us. Do others feel better about themselves after they spend time with you?

  12. View all promises you made in 2009 as an unpaid debt. Promises imply trust, but trust is fragile. It's like a Christmas tree ornament—one slip can shatter it. And we all know that once it's shattered, it’s very difficult to put it back together.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

This Christmas

I'm home for the first time in probably more than 15 years. My sister is here as well. My mother has gone crazy this last week preparing more food than the four of us will ever eat. This year has been big. Off work for the first time in years, my poor cat Henry passed away from a sudden illness, which I couldn't bring to write about here at the time. This time has been about healing for me. This time tomorrow I will wrap up the year by baking a turkey, and I haven't cooked anything serious in months.

I have long thought about friendship and discussed it with Melody quite a bit. Maintaining and keeping good friends is so difficult. This year I have been concentrating on trying to be a good of a friend to those who are my friends (or wish to be) as possible. Sometimes it's hard to tell if you are the one forcing it though or is the other person just going through so much that it seems they are pulling away?

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Played some more Dragon Age, still enjoying it and I'm hopeful for all the new campaigns that will come and maybe getting some time to play with the toolset. I'm currently 45 in Aion, glad to be here as 44 was a "hell level". I'm not too happy with all the people cheating their way to the top and I really hope NC Soft bans most of them, even if it means lesser population. 45 isn't bad as its full of quests thus far, plus some additional spell power for me.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I've been caught up in Aion last few months, although I took some detours back into Longest Journey and Dragon Age. I'm still not 50 but I have plenty of pictures I can put up here. I must say it's been a crazy two months, Dominus Letum has had so many folks on our doorstep and with all our staff having RL issues going on, it's been nuts to say the least.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I have been playing this and its taken a while cause I get distracted by MMOs and forget to take time out to play these single player games... I have forgotten how to beat a game. Not the mechanics of it but how to just keep track of what I'm doing and move on to the next level and so on. How to work on it every few days and not wait weeks between sessions.

If you know me you know that things unfamiliar to me take longer, but once I get a hold of something, I am tenacious. I hope to do so with this. It will be a personal triumph to finish. It's not like I'm forcing myself to play I want to, I just forget, much like many things I want to do in life. This is a step toward realizing those goals.

Friday, August 07, 2009


Lot of activity going on here, wish I had daily updates so that I could see all the changes in retrospect. (i.e. the purpose of this blog!) There have been lamenting of many Destruction tears due to server population imbalance and class/faction imbalances. Some Destruction players have decided to start anew as Order on Iron Rock, others have moved to Chinese Aion (or other games), and others are gutting it out here.

Myself? I take it day by day. I want to move to Aion not to escape Warhammer, but because I think I will actually enjoy Aion. I log on to Warhammer, and try to advance my character as best I can. I would like to see Altdorf burn before I leave, but who knows if I will get that wish. Recently we joined a new alliance with Red Cell and Soldiers of Fortune. Other guilds have fallen to the wayside but to be honest, they are just not active enough in ORvR and City Defense/Attack. I hope seeing a renewed hope with Destruction will pull them out of thier long slumber so they can assist as well.

(Epic Premade)

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Aion NA Beta Event

It's no surprise I have been waiting for Aion forever... Finally NA release is nearly here. We just had our first event Elyos only levels 1-20. Here are some pics of myself and Julie during the event. Dominus Letum of course was heavy in attendance. I tried out Spiritmaster to 14 and Ranger to 10 just before servers shut down.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Aion and WAR

After my brief move my WoW guild has assploded (oh noes!), leaving me without a home. I still show up to FFXI on Sundays but as of late at lot of people are busy with real life commitments.
So now I have moved on from now WoW, and playing Aion with Julie and Chris. It's been a long time since I have gotten to play with them so I'm happy to join their family over at Dominus Letum.

While we are playing in Warhammer Online, we plan to move to Aion. Dominus Letum is a multi-game community so we look forward to opening up new chapters in new games.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Up in the Air

Numerous things have happened over the last few weeks with the move, and of course my gaming suffered.

Now I think I'll have time to settle back into some sort of routine and most of all, relax.

I need some factions in WoW, some lowbie jobs in FFXI and I'm starting out Warhammer again with an old friend. I'm looking forward to this since many of my friends aren't really playing right now or are disgruntled with gaming in some manner.

My friend Laeral has been missing, I wonder where she went though.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Xianthe is 75 OMG

Finally after all these years I reached a goal I have been waiting on - 75 WHM in FFXI. Why haven't I done it til now? Well I started raiding (read: Dynamis) before more North American players at level 70. Since you loose XP when you wipe in Dynamis, it was always a struggle to keep my level let alone advance while holding down a job etc. Had I known I probably would have finished the grind first before raiding, but live and learn. Now with all the game changes - Campaign, Field of Valor, Level Sync, Mob experience changes and just general buffs its far easier. Hey we even have experience rings now! Last night my group clocked in at 12.5k an hour in Garliage Citadel level 32 Level Sync party. In the "old days" I would have been happy with 5k an hour.

Thank you Myrr, Oblio, Midnightbomber, Duroren and of course, Laeral!~

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What's going on?

I answer this question on a daily basis (and many times more than daily), folks want to know what I'm doing what my plans are -- I wish I could say. I don't have the answers myself. I can't wait til I'm more settled again. I'd like to be on a schedule, I'd like to know where I'm living will be where I'm staying for at least a year... Things some take for granted. It's hard to make longer term plans when you don't have things settled. I'm convinced I'm going to come out on the other side of this a better person though.

Until then I have been playing with friends as much as possible. I ran into my old friend Laeral last night and we did skill up party in Kuftal Tunnel my Staff skill went from around 139 to 142. I also managed to complete Gobbiebag Part VII, so now I have 65 inventory slots. Looks like I'll need a party to do Gobbiebag Part VIII since the Angelstone requires killing a NM.

I am now down to about ~6k tnl to 75 WHM! I have been working on Campaign here and there.

[Pics or it didn't happen].

Sunday, March 01, 2009


I finally finished Blood+ this week after two years of waiting to finish. I just haven't had time to watch something with subtitles. The series was an amazing roller-coaster of emotions and the ending was bittersweet, leaving me with tears in my eyes. The ending was what you wanted, and no it wasn't the worst of all outcomes, just leaves you with a feeling of loss. I'm very happy I watched it though and will definitely queue it up later again.

I also have been playingAtlantica Online in my downtime. It's a great MMO - F2P but feels like a pay MMO. There are a ton of little unique mechanics I enjoy - like giving quests to high levels to give lower levels gifts and become mentors, teach crafts, etc. Stuff that actually enforces community, but doesn't require anything difficult like forced grouping. When I hit 30, my mentor will receive about 200,000 gold in game currency. The game itself is a turn based strategy RPG where you control level up to 9 NPCs in battle. That also sets it apart from other MMOs and many mechanics are more similar to a console game, but you also get others to play with.

You level up various characters (or mercenaries) at once with one being your main hero with some separate rules. I like that the various mercenary ranks end up as a famous historical figures and the world itself is alternate reality earth so you end up in cities with names like Beijing, Rome, Tokyo, London etc all geographically spread out on the real world map.
This isn't the type of MMO you play for hours, its more something to play while watching TV, relaxing, or short 30 minute play sessions. You could play it that way but there is no need to. Plenty of mechanics like Auto Moving to NPCs, cities (think flight paths but many more destinations), auto battle - not to be used unless the mobs are lower than you but convenient for farming, and short quests make the game easily accessible. The complexity comes with the harder battles and party formation. Much like console RPGs, you can avoid battles by not touching monsters.

Below I have pictures of:
Pocahontas (Elementalist)
Morgan Le Fay (Witch)
Leonaidas (Spartan)

Monday, February 23, 2009


Relaxation is so important for mind-body health, taking a walk, deep breaths, talking with a treasured friend or family member, even holding a beloved pet. Sometimes when we are at our most stressed we do even less than the bare minimum to take care of ourselves. I'm making it my priority to take care of myself each day. I have been trying to walk some each day on my Elliptical Trainer and playing Longest Journey every so often to spend some quiet time. At night I have been reading a book called Stone Angel, its well written and a very descriptive novel thus far. I have also been catching up on Blood+ on my PSP, Death Note on Hulu, and Final Fantasy: Unlimited on Netflix. I was looking at pictures that I ran across in a photostream and they inspired me into doing more Bentos and taking care and making prettier food.

Right now I'm hanging out with old friends (and new ones) and I am grateful for all of the support I have received from them. I keep in touch with many of them in game and right now I'm playing WoW - my guild has achievements and Sartharion 3 drakes left to beat, and leveling two alts using the RAF program. After today's one shot kill of Sartharion 2 drakes I think we are at the point we can just try 3 and slowly folks will learn how to avoid void zones and lava walls. My alts are level 25ish a Warlock named Astaroche and a Hunter named Anaxamandra. This weekend I got my Succubus for Astaroche and Humar the Pridelord for Anaxamandra.

I am actually on two different servers in FFXI my old home - Sylph with my awesome LS Obsidian Council, always helpful, always progressing, always working on content. Sundays we are going to be progressing though missions for Windurst > Bastok > San'Oria. Hopefully I can finally have my goal of being Rank 10 in all three nations. Right now I'm Rank 8 in Windy and Rank 10 in Bastok, so nearly there. Most nights I hop on for an hour or so and run some Campaign battles solo. I'm really appreciative of being able to do something that allows you to solo and grab a few experience points for just healing and buffing people.My second server is Unicorn with the crew I met in WoW, we progress slowly but steadily with our weekly Wednesday static and usually a party sometime during the weekend.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valkrum Dunes - Static Style

Wednesday nights are our static party, and as usual we owned. We got multiple levels, despite the fact I pulled an Incredibly Tough Goblin Mugger on our party. (I swear i didn't know it was [IT]!) I'm not going to turn into Sto and try to kill the party I promise! I'm now level 16 Warrior.

Static members: Kyrai, Andraes (Sto), Isak, Embrujao (Bean) and Paraglor

This week I also finished up the Love Fool title in WoW for the Valentine's Day events. Everyone in guild was cursing (and petitioning) the horrible random x random x one hour time limit design. I wouldn't have complained so bad had the event lasted longer or less random was introduced. Right now it's far too much work laid to chance. I'd rather do a new dungeon or something than sit and play with the random number generator two times over.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Today I opened up Scholar in FFXI, it was a fairly easy quest although I used up a few prism powders and sneak oils since my mage jobs are all level 37 or
below (with the exception of WHM). You need to activate your mage two hour ability to open the new job. I really enjoyed the cutscene it was cute, I wish I was able to capture the book animations.

I still have Puppetmaster, Corsair and Dancer to open and will be doing those as soon as possible. I'd like to also level my NPC Adventurer again and finish Gobbiebag VII and Gobbiebag VIII. I decided to do the quest for the Deathstone, since buying it would be quite alot.