Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy Ssinurn Day

Thanks for the Chocolates WaMu

I wonder how much these cost?

There were two normalish coffee/chocolate flavors, but the gold chocolate one is ginger chocolate and the one with the point is peppercorn and chocolate. Interesting tastes, but I think I prefer the traditional. I received these as a present for one of the projects I am working on - WaMu Product Choice.

Note the awesome wax seal on the box:

Fort McHenry

I was straightening my place up today and getting rid of all the boxes I have from various things I got in the mail. Henry and Ramses decided to play fort. Since I found Osiris sneaking into the catnip stash last night and rolling in it, I figured I would go ahead and give them the rest.

Cat Pr0n!!!

Of course for some reason, Henry thinks catnip = angel dust/PCP for cats and attacks Ramses full force, while Osiris was peacefully tripping balls. Yes - that's all catnip on him. No - Osiris is not brown/black.

As far as gaming is concerned, I am level 52 in WoW!!! Currently, I am on Silvermoon and I'm a Blood Elf Shadow Priest. My gear is nothing spectacular, but you can see how she pretty much looks in the picture.

I also got my first purple random drop today as well, the Dazzling Longsword. Hopefully I can move it for a tidy sum since it appears to be a PvP twink item.

Snow Days

Just got over a sedation dental session on Monday. While the actual dental work I don't remember much, my body is tired and the pain is not fun. I would definitely suggest sedation dentistry if you need work done. What also wasn't fun was all the misadventures of my mom while she was here:
  • Taking keys back to Memphis, requiring a FedEx trip.
  • Breaking plastic dog water bowl, while backing away from my barbarian horde of cats who were trying to get rotisserie chicken. She left the wet paper towels and broken water bowl on the floor.
  • Locking me and herself out of the garage, and also the spare garage door opener breaking (not sure what happened with that). This caused me not to be able to take Asher out his usual route, get to my car or the trash cans.
  • Forgetting to feed and water the cats or give Henry his antibiotics.
  • Let Asher destroy a large rubber doorstop while I was napping, leaving the rubber all over the floor - not to mention any of the rubber he managed to ingest.
Now she did do these things:
  • Washed and folded any dirty clothing/clean clothing.
  • Washed and put away any dirty dishes.
Thing is my mom loves me a lot, but as my friend Doug said, "Next time you fly in Melody?" which to my response was, "I'll fly in *someone* who is domestic. :P". <3 Melody but she doesn't want to nurse /pet sit either hehe.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Pet Time

Henry doing stuff he's not supposed to, business as usual.

Seriously Asher, WTF? I take you outside, in the rain, for 30 minutes. You pee a bit, ok. Why does my kitchen look like this????

Also note you haven't eaten anything all day and the plate of untouched food in the background.