[Saving for posterity, original here]
This is an update of a build I posted before, in which I'll answer some questions people had and demonstrate the versatility of the spec. It also has a catchy name now.
Here's the build: http://rift.zam.com/en/stc.html?t=00...Ved0t0shk.Vxkb
Here's the old thread: http://forums.riftgame.com/showthrea...g-build-(video)
The concept behind this build is to maximise AE damage while also pumping out a large amount of healing, and with an effectively infinite mana pool. (Hence the name; it just keeps going and going) Also, although it is most effect in ae fights, it does do decent single target damage and healing. It is desgined to be versatile - an excellent soloing spec as well as a great support dps/healer in experts and able to hold its own in pvp. It is also extremely easy to use due to the viability of macroing so if, like me, you're a terrible player, you can still do well simply by mashing buttons.
The duracell cleric also takes great advantage of gear procs. Every hit of Vengeance of the Winter Storm counts as a separate damaging attack, and, through salvation/reparation, a separate chance to heal. This means that frozen deep one tear, crystal vines etc will proc constantly. I don't have SHoE yet, but I imagine it would be insane with this build.
Single Target:
glory of the chosen
fated blow
sanction heretic
strike of the maelstrom
lightning hammer
massive blow
bolt of radiance
strike of judgement [used over crushing blow for convictions]
Multi Target
rage of the north
glory of the chosen
fated blow
soul drain
strike of the maelstrom
even justice
You can also make single target and ae life skills macros, for use when you need fast convictions, by simply removing the non-life based gcd skills from the above lists.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRY_fgGZtSo
With my level of gear (t2, frozen deep one tear, crystal vine but no SHoE) you are essentially invulnerable with this spec. You are only limited by the number of mobs you can pull before they start leashing and you can kill them insanely fast. Even if you have crap gear it's still perfectly possible to kill 10-12 melee mobs at once.
Tag as many targets as possible with vex. Vex should be macroed with glory of the chosen to give you additional healing if you get crit as you are pulling. Use battle charge if possible when you get snared. Gather the mobs up and try to have them all face you. Mash AE macro until all dead; use ST macro if there's a straggler or two. If you get really low on health use doctrine of bliss a few times. When low on mana, hit purpose/ageless ice immediately after a soul drain for quick mana recharge. If they are on CD use aggressive renewal. You should not ever have to drink with this build.
Advantages over Inq/Just/Sent builds
1) Zero downtime. Can keep going forever.
2) Higher survivability from sham/just dmg reduction/parry/healing bonus means more mobs at once
3) Only 1 casted spell means less vulnerability to pushback and silences
4) Battle charge is great for mobility
5) Rage of the north gives 6 sec of huge dmg/heals. Fanaticism only affects one spell.
6) Single target damage is slightly higher
7) Macros make things very convenient.
The same things basically apply for rifts/invasions. In my gear, I can solo 5-7 normal invasions at once and can easily take down one elite invasion. (Two is doable but dicey) In a PuG invasion raid is also where the group healing from this build begins to shine. Often, a lot of people are taking hits, which can easily be healed with reparation for light damage, or Doctrine of Loyalty for heavier damage.
5 Man Groups
Video of Expert CC trash with just me and bard healing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF6UkpF7dDE
Video of 2 FC bosses with same setup: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8vMaOz11yA
The Duracell Cleric is an excellent support healer/dps. It speeds up trash clearing a LOT. I have done 200dps and 700hps on some trash fights. With bard support, I can heal all the trash in every instance bar DSM (plus a few goblin pulls in DD). With the same setup I have healed:
- Every boss in FC (Valinara is very tricky though)
- Every boss in LH except the last guy
-Spider in IT
-First 2 in KB
-Tree dude in RotF
-First guy in DD
-Tree and warden in RD
Basically this build owns on any fight where there is low tank damage or adds or high ae damage or anything needs purging. Using this with a cholro makes Scarn, Gronik and Caelia in CC and the last guy in AP trivial.
Purge is awesome. That is all.
However, on any encounter where there is no ae damage and no adds, or melee is hard, you're probably better off using something else because while the single target dps/healing is certainly decent there are better options.
For single target dungeon fights you may well want to replace strike o judgement with crushing blow, because it does more damage and takes advantage of lust for blood. On ae fights with less than 5 targets you may want to use avalanche strike instead of even justice for the same reason.
I am aware there are some wasted points in just here, but since I use it for solo farming/rifts etc I'm not going to make a whole new build just to move 3 points.
Unfortunately despite playing on a PvP server I am absolutely appalling at it and thus don't have a decent video. However, I will say that I have managed to survive being ganked 90% of the time. Battle Charge is a great gap-closer and Doctrine of Bliss is awesome instant healing. Rage of the North gives you decent burst damage as well. The CC changes in 1.2 ought to make this even better because the build's lack of CC/CC breakers won't matter as much.
I haven't done much raiding, but from what I have done I can say that this build is extremely good at dealing with ae damage. Reparation is good constant ae healing and mandate can help a bit with the tank) 4x DoL will bring 10 players up to full health very quickly, in a similar fashion to the Senticar build. Although the Duracell is not as good at healing as the Senticar, it does much higher dps.
I levelled from 48-50 in 2 hours ae grinding with this build. In my opinion it's hands down the best spec for levelling 42-50. Get 14 inq and 18 just then just fill up Shaman from there.
Prior to about level 30 (when you get the second mana return from shaman) I'd say Inq/Just/Sent is better.
Once you get things like 5/5 stormborn, battle charge and strike of the maelstrom, however, the Duracell Cleric pulls ahead for AE grinding.
Level 30 build: http://rift.zam.com/en/stc.html?t=10rdn.Vuz.Vxkb.Vjd0z Use avalanche strike in place of even justice. Make sure you use glacial shield every time it's up. It owns at low levels
Level 40: http://rift.zam.com/en/stc.html?t=00...c.Vxkb.Vjd0p0o
Crit is very important for this build because of the 40% crit bonus and jolt. I try to stack as much as possible within reason. This can mean cloth int gear, and crit over sp runes. Obviously you should not neglect SP either.
However, the most important pieces of gear for this build are proc items, the best being SHoE (which I don't have). Instead I use the 60sp on heal trinket, which is ALWAYS up. Also great are the frozen deep one tear and crystal vine from the planar goods vendors. They should be reasonably easy to get now that massive invasions occur more often than 'never'.
You should always use a 2 hander with this spec as all your melee skills are based on weapon damage. The best non-raid weapon is mace of frozen power from the final boss of AP.
Thanks for reading and hope you guys found this useful and will have as much fun with this as I have!
This is an update of a build I posted before, in which I'll answer some questions people had and demonstrate the versatility of the spec. It also has a catchy name now.
Here's the build: http://rift.zam.com/en/stc.html?t=00...Ved0t0shk.Vxkb
Here's the old thread: http://forums.riftgame.com/showthrea...g-build-(video)
The concept behind this build is to maximise AE damage while also pumping out a large amount of healing, and with an effectively infinite mana pool. (Hence the name; it just keeps going and going) Also, although it is most effect in ae fights, it does do decent single target damage and healing. It is desgined to be versatile - an excellent soloing spec as well as a great support dps/healer in experts and able to hold its own in pvp. It is also extremely easy to use due to the viability of macroing so if, like me, you're a terrible player, you can still do well simply by mashing buttons.
The duracell cleric also takes great advantage of gear procs. Every hit of Vengeance of the Winter Storm counts as a separate damaging attack, and, through salvation/reparation, a separate chance to heal. This means that frozen deep one tear, crystal vines etc will proc constantly. I don't have SHoE yet, but I imagine it would be insane with this build.
Single Target:
glory of the chosen
fated blow
sanction heretic
strike of the maelstrom
lightning hammer
massive blow
bolt of radiance
strike of judgement [used over crushing blow for convictions]
Multi Target
rage of the north
glory of the chosen
fated blow
soul drain
strike of the maelstrom
even justice
You can also make single target and ae life skills macros, for use when you need fast convictions, by simply removing the non-life based gcd skills from the above lists.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRY_fgGZtSo
With my level of gear (t2, frozen deep one tear, crystal vine but no SHoE) you are essentially invulnerable with this spec. You are only limited by the number of mobs you can pull before they start leashing and you can kill them insanely fast. Even if you have crap gear it's still perfectly possible to kill 10-12 melee mobs at once.
Tag as many targets as possible with vex. Vex should be macroed with glory of the chosen to give you additional healing if you get crit as you are pulling. Use battle charge if possible when you get snared. Gather the mobs up and try to have them all face you. Mash AE macro until all dead; use ST macro if there's a straggler or two. If you get really low on health use doctrine of bliss a few times. When low on mana, hit purpose/ageless ice immediately after a soul drain for quick mana recharge. If they are on CD use aggressive renewal. You should not ever have to drink with this build.
Advantages over Inq/Just/Sent builds
1) Zero downtime. Can keep going forever.
2) Higher survivability from sham/just dmg reduction/parry/healing bonus means more mobs at once
3) Only 1 casted spell means less vulnerability to pushback and silences
4) Battle charge is great for mobility
5) Rage of the north gives 6 sec of huge dmg/heals. Fanaticism only affects one spell.
6) Single target damage is slightly higher
7) Macros make things very convenient.
The same things basically apply for rifts/invasions. In my gear, I can solo 5-7 normal invasions at once and can easily take down one elite invasion. (Two is doable but dicey) In a PuG invasion raid is also where the group healing from this build begins to shine. Often, a lot of people are taking hits, which can easily be healed with reparation for light damage, or Doctrine of Loyalty for heavier damage.
5 Man Groups
Video of Expert CC trash with just me and bard healing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF6UkpF7dDE
Video of 2 FC bosses with same setup: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8vMaOz11yA
The Duracell Cleric is an excellent support healer/dps. It speeds up trash clearing a LOT. I have done 200dps and 700hps on some trash fights. With bard support, I can heal all the trash in every instance bar DSM (plus a few goblin pulls in DD). With the same setup I have healed:
- Every boss in FC (Valinara is very tricky though)
- Every boss in LH except the last guy
-Spider in IT
-First 2 in KB
-Tree dude in RotF
-First guy in DD
-Tree and warden in RD
Basically this build owns on any fight where there is low tank damage or adds or high ae damage or anything needs purging. Using this with a cholro makes Scarn, Gronik and Caelia in CC and the last guy in AP trivial.
Purge is awesome. That is all.
However, on any encounter where there is no ae damage and no adds, or melee is hard, you're probably better off using something else because while the single target dps/healing is certainly decent there are better options.
For single target dungeon fights you may well want to replace strike o judgement with crushing blow, because it does more damage and takes advantage of lust for blood. On ae fights with less than 5 targets you may want to use avalanche strike instead of even justice for the same reason.
I am aware there are some wasted points in just here, but since I use it for solo farming/rifts etc I'm not going to make a whole new build just to move 3 points.
Unfortunately despite playing on a PvP server I am absolutely appalling at it and thus don't have a decent video. However, I will say that I have managed to survive being ganked 90% of the time. Battle Charge is a great gap-closer and Doctrine of Bliss is awesome instant healing. Rage of the North gives you decent burst damage as well. The CC changes in 1.2 ought to make this even better because the build's lack of CC/CC breakers won't matter as much.
I haven't done much raiding, but from what I have done I can say that this build is extremely good at dealing with ae damage. Reparation is good constant ae healing and mandate can help a bit with the tank) 4x DoL will bring 10 players up to full health very quickly, in a similar fashion to the Senticar build. Although the Duracell is not as good at healing as the Senticar, it does much higher dps.
I levelled from 48-50 in 2 hours ae grinding with this build. In my opinion it's hands down the best spec for levelling 42-50. Get 14 inq and 18 just then just fill up Shaman from there.
Prior to about level 30 (when you get the second mana return from shaman) I'd say Inq/Just/Sent is better.
Once you get things like 5/5 stormborn, battle charge and strike of the maelstrom, however, the Duracell Cleric pulls ahead for AE grinding.
Level 30 build: http://rift.zam.com/en/stc.html?t=10rdn.Vuz.Vxkb.Vjd0z Use avalanche strike in place of even justice. Make sure you use glacial shield every time it's up. It owns at low levels
Level 40: http://rift.zam.com/en/stc.html?t=00...c.Vxkb.Vjd0p0o
Crit is very important for this build because of the 40% crit bonus and jolt. I try to stack as much as possible within reason. This can mean cloth int gear, and crit over sp runes. Obviously you should not neglect SP either.
However, the most important pieces of gear for this build are proc items, the best being SHoE (which I don't have). Instead I use the 60sp on heal trinket, which is ALWAYS up. Also great are the frozen deep one tear and crystal vine from the planar goods vendors. They should be reasonably easy to get now that massive invasions occur more often than 'never'.
You should always use a 2 hander with this spec as all your melee skills are based on weapon damage. The best non-raid weapon is mace of frozen power from the final boss of AP.
Thanks for reading and hope you guys found this useful and will have as much fun with this as I have!