Stumbled on this post and while I could just save the bookmark, it seems like the type of site that could go away. I'm re-posting it here for posterity.
his is a comprehensive list of buffs and debuffs in Rift. If the buffs or debuffs are in the same category they do not stack.
Endurance Aura.
Shared Vitality - Archon.
Aspect of the Fallen Hero - Warlord
Bond of Vigor - Beastmaster
Intellect Aura.
Courage of the Eagle - Shaman
Vitality of Stone - Archon
Wisdom Aura.
Courage of the Wisdom - Shaman
Vitality of Stone - Archon
Dexterity Aura Buffs
Courage of the Jaguar - Shaman
Vitality of Stone - Archon
Bond of Feline Grace - Beastmaster
Strength Aura.
Courage of the Bear - Shaman
Vitality of Stone - Archon
Bond of Might - Beastmaster
Endurance Buffs.
Neddra's Might - Warlock
Fanfare of Vigor - Bard
Noble Blessing - Sentinel
Life of Era - Purifier
Aegis of Salvation - Paladin
Intellect Buffs.
Flaring Intellect - Pyromancer
Fanfare of Knowledge - Bard
Wisdom Buffs.
Wisdom of the Era - Purifier
Fanfare of Knowledge - Bard
Dexterity Buffs.
Combat Preparation - Bladedancer
Fanfare of Power - Bard
Strength Buffs.
Focus of Body - Paragon
Fanfare of Power - Bard
Magical Resistance Buffs.
Arcane Aegis - Archonn
Anthem of Defiance - Bard
Aspect of the Elements - Warlord
Heart of the Twilight Forest - Shaman
Heart of the Frozen Sea - Shaman
Heart of the Fire Mountain - Shaman
Armor Buffs
Anthem of Glory - Bard
Tempered Armor - Archon
SP/AP Buffs:
Motif of Bravery - Bard
Electrify - Elementalist Air Pet
Call to Battle - Warlord
AP/SP Debuffs.
Trickster Spirit - Druid
Debilitating Trap - Saboteur
Pacifying Strike - Paladin
AP/SP Debuff 2.
Waning Power - Archon
Binding of Atrophy - Reaver
Intimidating - Warlord
Looming Demise - Necromancer
Cost Reduction:
Living Energy - Chloromancer
Anthem of Fervor - Bard
Cooldown Damage Taken Increase:
Destructive Growth - Chloromancer
Spotter's Order - Warlord
Magic Damage Debuffs:
Exposure - Elementalist
Crumbling Resistance - Archon
Coda of Distress - Bard
Spiritual Deficiency - Inquisitor
Magic Damage Debuffs 2:
Neddra's Torture - Warlock
Embers Charge - Saboteur
Censure - Justicar
Clinging Spirit - Inquisitor
Physical Damage Debuffs.
Vengeance of the Piercing Cold - Shaman
Ashen Defense - Archon
Coda of Cowardice - Bard
Enraged Companion - Beastmaster
Critical Hit Chance Buff.
Motif of Focus - Bard
Dauntless Strike - Bladedancer
Critical Hit Chance Buff 2.
Earthen Barrage - Archon
Critical Hit Chance Debuff.
Mark of Extermination - Champion
Lethal Poison - Assassin
Luminous Gaze - Sentinel
Damage Taken Reduced Buffs.
Motif of Tenacity - Bard
Call to Entrench - Warlord
Armor Debuff
Splinter Charge - Saboteur
Leader's Mark - Warlord
Ravaging Strike - Reaver
Mark of Inevitability - Champion
Piercing Strike - Ranger
Armor Debuff Aura.
Cutting Distraction - Warlord
Damage Taken Debuff 2
Enraged Companion - Beastmaster
Enraged Essence - Reaver
Casting Speed Debuff
Lingering Dust - Archon
Accelerated Decay - Dominator
Chance To hit reduced Aura
Battlefield Distraction - Warlord
Chance to hit reduced Debuff
Blood Feaver - Reaver
Healing Received Buffs.
Motif of Grandeur - Bard
Damage Done Debuff
Infestation - Reaver
Power Drain - Archon
Cooldown Damage Boost.
Flaring Power - Archon
Assault Command - Warlord
Increased Damage Auras
Natural Dedication - Druid
Volcanic Bomb - Archon
Completely Unique Spells. These stack with everything.
Rallying Command - Warlord
Aid Command - Warlord
Burning Purpose - Archon
Cloudy Poison - Infiltrator
Companions Rage - Beastmaster's Pet
11 years ago
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