Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valkrum Dunes - Static Style

Wednesday nights are our static party, and as usual we owned. We got multiple levels, despite the fact I pulled an Incredibly Tough Goblin Mugger on our party. (I swear i didn't know it was [IT]!) I'm not going to turn into Sto and try to kill the party I promise! I'm now level 16 Warrior.

Static members: Kyrai, Andraes (Sto), Isak, Embrujao (Bean) and Paraglor

This week I also finished up the Love Fool title in WoW for the Valentine's Day events. Everyone in guild was cursing (and petitioning) the horrible random x random x one hour time limit design. I wouldn't have complained so bad had the event lasted longer or less random was introduced. Right now it's far too much work laid to chance. I'd rather do a new dungeon or something than sit and play with the random number generator two times over.

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