I was straightening my place up today and getting rid of all the boxes I have from various things I got in the mail. Henry and Ramses decided to play fort. Since I found Osiris sneaking into the
catnip stash last night and rolling in it, I figured I would go
ahead and give them the rest.
Cat Pr0n!!!Of course for some reason, Henry thinks catnip = angel dust/PCP for cats and attacks Ramses full force, while Osiris was peacefully tripping balls. Yes - that's all catnip on him. No - Osiris is not brown/black.
As far as gaming is concerned, I am
level 52 in WoW!!! Currently, I am on Silvermoon and I'm a Blood Elf Shadow Priest. My gear is nothing spectacular, but you can see how she pretty much looks in the picture.
I also got my first purple random drop today as well, the
Dazzling Longsword. Hopefully I can move it for a tidy sum since it appears to be a PvP twink item.